研究 & 教学服务

If you are having trouble locating materials on a topic, or need assistance accessing electronic resources, please call us at 713-313-7402 or email libraryreference@centerpieceartadvisory.com. 


Faculty members are encouraged to schedule library instruction for their classes or their department. The purpose of these sessions is to demonstrate specific library print and electronic resources to support a particular instructional program. Please contact your liaison librarians listed below to request library resources or library instruction classes. 

图书管理员 主题联络
Charlean Sheard Accounting, Business, Economics
特蕾西Timmons 艺术, 航空, 生物学, 化学,  计算机科学, 刑事司法, 工程, 环境科学, 工业技术, 数学, 音乐, 物理, 政治科学, 公共事务,  剧院, 运输, 城市研究
Leocadia钩子 Communications, Education, History, Human Services & Consumer Science, Languages, Literature, Psychology, Pharmacy & 健康科学, Philosophy, Sociology, Freshman Seminar & 荣誉的大学
马修·吉拉 Physical Education (Kinesiology)
海鹰李 Institutional Priorities and Special Initiatives

 Please let us know your feedback by filling out the 图书馆的指令 Evaluation Form.